Sunday, October 10, 2010

Send Blessings

The offer of a blessings is a way of sending good will to others.

There is plenty of negativity and fear all around us, and sometimes it's not easy to see that there is something we can do to help ourselves and others feel better ~ but there is!

Offer a Blessing!
Yes, it's that easy.

A blessing is the infusion of something with Divine Holiness - as in a prayer.

Blessings can be for people, places, situations, anything that would benefit from the outpouring of love. We can bless our friends and family, our enemies, the situations we find ourselves in, our planet, and our future. It can be concrete or abstract. And that's joy of it because it's all about intention and imagination!

It's as easy as this ~ Think of who or what you want to bless. Think of what attributes you want to enhance or create, imagine your purest intention for the very best outcome, and then express it in some way.

It feels amazing to give and receive blessings like;
"May you know deep and everlasting peace."
"May your heart be filled with joy."
"May your dreams be realized and celebrated."
"May you love and be loved beyond measure."
"May peace envelop our world, our nation and our communities."

The love we give, in blessing others, comes back to us as a blessing for ourselves! Remember ~ what we put out is what we get back!! Kate Nowak designed a beautiful movie entitled "May You Be Blessed", please enjoy it as a blessing from me to you!

See it at


  1. Beautiful photo and essay, Sherrie! And thanks for reminding me about the May You Be Blessed movie--one of my favorites! It had been awhile since I'd watched it. A perfect way to set the tone for the week ahead.
    May you be blessed~~~<3
    Laurie Larson

  2. Laurie ~ you have blessed me with your 'friend'ship even though we've not met (yet)! May you encounter all the precious moments of love and happiness live has to give. Sherrie

  3. Sherrie,
    I love your post on blessings. I always tell my son, if you give out blessings, and pay it forward your life will be fill with an over abundance of blessings in return.
    May we all learn from blessing one another!
