Sunday, October 31, 2010

In Praise of Napping!

Dream of taking a nap?

From my experience, and those of my fellow nappers, taking a break in the middle of the day to relax and rejuvenate is one of the wisest things we can do for ourselves!

We all know the benefits of taking a "time out", but too few of us actually do it. FYI ~ taking care of others is a more joyful experience when we've also taken care of ourselves. It's simple ~ we can give more and do more when we replenish ourselves as well. When we view napping in this way, it's not a selfish act to close our eyes and drift into sleep, it's an act of service!

Feelings of prolonged physical or emotional fatigue or overwhelm due to personal or business reasons comes at a price to our health. However, taking a nap can ease those difficult feelings by the simple act of rest. In western cultures resting is sometimes viewed as being lazy - how dreadful! We've lost the 'knowing' that resting is vitally important for body and soul.

So, I'm going to share the most important reason for taking a nap.

Because you want to! Yes, that's it, that's all the reason you need. I am the Napping Queen and I give you permission! Lay down, close your eyes, breathe deeply, relax your body, imagine yourself in a very calm and restful place, and let you mind drift off into sleep. M m m m m m.....

Now doesn't that feel good?!

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